Download the 2024 BID Fee & Service Explanation
West San Leandro Business Improvement District (BID)
The LINKS shuttle serves businesses in West San Leandro by providing a free transportation link between places of employment and the Downtown San Leandro BART Station. With 22 years of service to the community, LINKS has provided over 3 million rides.
Funding for LINKS comes from grants, the City of San Leandro, business and property-owner partnerships, and the Business Improvement District (BID). The BID funds approximately half of the total LINKS budget.
Following are answers to some frequently asked questions about the BID. If you have questions about how to fill out your business license form, contact the Finance Department at or 510-577-3378. If you have additional questions about the BID, please contact Lars Halle at or 510-577-3311.
- Purpose: All fees collected from the assessment will partially fund the operation of the LINKS shuttle service to and from the downtown San Leandro BART Station. The shuttle service is free to riders.
- Type of Assessment: The BID assessment is levied only on businesses in the affected service area, within ¼ mile of the shuttle route (see attached map.)
- Who is Exempt: Businesses with three or fewer owners and employees, rental property owners, home businesses, and nonprofit businesses are exempt from the fees.
- How the Assessment Is Collected: The annual assessment is levied and collected each year in January as part of the Business License Tax renewal process. The fee is levied on a calendar year basis (January 1 to December 31).
- Amount of the BID Assessment: $28.79 per owner and number of employees per year, effective January 1, 2024. In future years, the annual assessment may be increased in an amount up to the increase, if any, of the Bay Area Consumer Price Index.
- Find your bus with Nextbus: The LINKS Shuttle is now easier to use than ever! You can now use your mobile device to find your bus and see how soon it will arrive, finds stops, get walking directions, save favorites and set alerts for your stop. Go to or download the NextBus app. LINKS is listed as San Leandro Links.
- Service Alerts: Get up-to-date service alerts and notifications by following us on Twitter, com/sanleandrolinks
- Businesses with 50+ employees will comply with 2014 Air Quality rules: Participation in the LINKS Business Improvement District satisfies Option 3 (“Employer Provided Transit”) under the Bay Area Air Quality Management District program which requires all employers with 50 or more full-time employees to provide commuter benefits to their employees.