
West San Leandro Business Improvement District (BID)

Businesses located within one-quarter mile of the shuttle route, pay an assessment of $28.79 per owner and employee per year (2024 rate).  Businesses located within one-half mile of the Downtown San Leandro BART Station as well as businesses with three or fewer owners and employees, rental property owners, home businesses, and nonprofit businesses are exempt from the fees.  The BID covers approximately 70% of the LINKS operating budget.

City of San Leandro
The City of San Leandro

The City of San Leandro has provided financial support on an as-needed basis since the inception of LINKS in 2001. The City’s contribution over the years has supported the West San Leandro Redevelopment Plan objective to connect West San Leandro workers with the Downtown San Leandro BART station.

LINKS is also funded through the following grants:
Bay Area Air Quality Management District

Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) through the Transportation Fund for Clean Air Program (TFCA).

Metropolitan Transportation Commission

Metropolitan Transportation Commission through the Job Access and Reverse Commute Program (Lifeline)

Measure BB
Alameda County Transportation Commission

Alameda County Transportation Commission through the Congestion Management Agency Transportation Improvement Program (Measure BB)